Megumi was created as a way to assist LGBT+ youth with their first relationship. In my family, we would dry and preserve flowers received at special events like weddings, graduations, and romantic dates. This inspired me to focus on the flowers and gifts given to partners in a relationship.

Introduction: Megumi is a box that offers the tools and tips for LGBT+ youth in relationships to make crafts with the flowers they exchange with each other to preserve the memories of their fulfilling partnership.

Touchpoints: Brand identity, mood board,
crafting kit (box, seed packets, brochure)

Category: Brand identity and package design

When LGBT+ youth enter relationships, they often feel that they are more fulfilling than straight, cisgender relationships they see.

Most of my relationships seem to be more fulfilling than a lot of the heterosexual couples I know.

I have more in my relationship compared to my cisgender heterosexual counterparts.

I've had deeper connections & more fulfillment with queer partners than I've had with cis/hetero partners. 

My [queer] relationship feels whole […], although past relationships have definitely felt like something was lacking.

“LGBT+ Relationship Survey.” Google Survey. 16 persons. Feb 2, 2023

LGBT+ youth also enjoy acts of creating crafts for their partners, as well as spending quality time together.

I would draw them things or write them love letters. I love giving my person gifts whether bought or made.

I’ve always enjoyed cooking and baking my partners’ favorite foods and making craft projects of things they like.

I love to write notes, letters, poems, even totally fill up notebooks with thoughts for my romantic interest.

For my current relationship […], I have sent letters that I’ve designed. We try to give a couple of sentimental gifts a year.

“LGBT+ Relationship Survey.” Google Survey. 16 persons. Feb 2, 2023

With this information, I was able to draw these conclusions:

Sentimentality is common in relationships, and wanting to preserve the memories of a fulfilling relationship is often desired.

LGBT+ youth often feel that relationships they have with other LGBT+ people are more fulfilling and memorable.

LGBT+ youth typically enjoy both creating gifts for their partners, as well as spending quality time with them.

